The basis of the forage base of most regions of the Republic of Kalmykia is natural lands. The current state of natural pastures in the republic is due to the specifics of natural and climatic and anthropogenic factors. In our work, we consider the main types of steppe vegetation, which are used as natural pastures in the Republic of Kalmykia. Among them, drought-resistant, salt-tolerant and grazing-resistant perennial herbs and subshrubs, many annuals, ephemers and ephemeroids predominate. Formation of the productivity of forb-ephemeral vegetation, the representatives of which are: kermeks (Limonium platiphyllum, L. sareptanum), blueheads (Eringium planum, E. campestre), kahris (Cachrys odontalgica), ferulas (Ferula caspica, F. nuda), tulips (Tulipa biebersteiniana, T. biflora, T. gesnerii), bulbous bluegrass (Poa bulbosa) and others, begins in the second half of April, reaching a maximum of 5.9 ... 6.7 c/ha in May. The high productivity of pastures of the grass-wormwood plant community up to 9.8 c/ha is provided by Austrian wormwood (Artemisia austriaca), white wormwood (Artemisia lersheana), Welsh fescue (Festuca valesiaca), Lessing's feather grass (Stipa lessingiana), prutnyak (Kochia prostrata), yarrow tansy (Tanacetum achilleifolium), sage (Salvia desertorum, S. stepposa, S. aethiopis) and others. The productivity of the chamomile-fescue community in dry years ranges from 2.0 to 5.3 c/ha, in wet years - 5.4...11.2 c/ha and is characterized by a smooth course with a maximum falling on one of the summer periods. The dominant community is the compound chamomile (Pyrethrum millefolium), edificators are feather grass (Stipa capillata, S. ucrainica, S. lessingiana), fescue (Festuca valesiaca), thin-legged slender (Koeleria cristata) and others.
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