
The article deals with the important pedagogical problem as young person creative activity; the development of efficient mechanism of this process and proper pedagogical conditions for successful formation of students’ ecological culture are revealed as well. A human is characterized by a conscious, active and creative attitude to nature that is covered both materialistic and spiritual areas. Ecological culture determines a person’s spiritual outlook, way of thinking, aesthetic values and orientations, individual readiness for creation of cultural and ecological wealth as well as a more secure world. A person can learn how to act creatively when the situation requires their creative decisions. Creativity is an activity that actively engage person's imagination across all domains - cognitive, communicative, social, emotional, and physical. It is obvious that the assimilation of some knowledge and the development of appropriate skills are completely insufficient. These requirements of life are directly related to the educational process of higher education. High priority to the problems of students’ ecological education is due to the following reasons: the need to consider ecological education as a continuous and systematic process that operates during the entire period of training, the relevance of the formation of ecological culture in the period of the professional development of a personality. Our study showed that the greatest efficiency in the formation of ecological culture is achieved through the practicing of various pedagogical influence methods that are including the use of special questions, eco-games, auto-trainings, problem situations ensuring compliance with ethical standards of behavior and developing “environmental conscience” as well as other different types of creative tasks. The combination of various forms of work with the close students–educators cooperation makes a positive effect on formation of the ecological culture of future specialists.

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