
The article examines the problem of the "Transcendental Ego" of Husserl’s phenomenology. The "Transcendental Ego" is a complex concept. It has its own backstory. The "Transcendental Ego" has an equivalent concept – the concept "I think", which belongs to Rene Descartes. Both concepts formed the paradox of the anthropological metaphysical tradition, which is firmly based on the methodology of cognition. The subject of our research is human consciousness and self-awareness with all its constituent invariants and related concepts. The purpose of our research is to show that the "Transcendental Ego" is a complex multi-component layer of consciousness, independent, not subject to manipulation, absolute, intentional, dynamic. Methods of cognition of the anthropo-metaphysical essence of man are called the method of "radical doubt" by Rene Descartes and "phenomenological reduction", "transcendental reduction" by Edmund Husserl. The methods of our research are the phenomenological method, the hermeneutic method, the lingvo-philosophical method, the method of analysis and synthesis. The "Transcendental Ego" has the head power – the intensity of information, so that the intensity of information will be information about what is going on, about itself. The intentionality of consciousness creates and connects all phenomena of the life world: impressions, experiences, cognition, fantasy, retention, present, actuality, protention, immanent time, retentional consciousness, internal time. The "Transcendental Ego" appropriates all this and various othernesses. So all phenomena are constantly intentional, go in a continuous stream, and thus the concept-metaphor "stream of consciousness" arises. The stream of time, or temporal aspect, is part of the concept-metaphor "stream of consciousness". E. Husserl uses the concept-metaphor of the universal flow as an all-encompassing form of all constitutive creations, experiences, and motivations of the intentional structure of the "Transcendental Ego". So, the concept-metaphor of the universal flow acts as a form that collects into a single flow the temporal components of retention, protention, the present, but within which flows the life of motivated special constitutive realizations, experiences. Next comes the stage of transcendental reduction. "Internal time" is formed within the "Transcendental Ego" and accompanies the universal genesis and universal synthesis of the "Transcendental Ego". Thus, the "Transcendental Ego" is the universal synthesis of all these states of consciousness. The "Transcendental Ego" passes to the stage of pure consciousness, becomes free, spiritual, absolute consciousness, pure metaphysics. We believe that the concepts "I think" and "Transcendental Ego" explicate the spiritual mode of human consciousness without involving religion.

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