
The article analyzes the expected positive and possible negative consequences of the implementation of the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russia to ban the activities of the international public movement “Prisoner criminal unity” in the Russian Federation. The organization is recognized as extremist. The author considers possible options for criminal-legal assessment of the activities of adults who coordinate minor adherents of this subculture, legal assessment of the collection and storage of material and financial resources (the so-called “obshchak”), which are intended to Finance the activities of the “AUE” movement or its members. Special attention is paid to the issues of legal influence on teenagers who are in one way or another committed to the“AUE”-ideology. Based on criminological theory and practice, the author draws attention to a number of issues on which it is necessary to develop a clear position in order to avoid negative side effects from the application of the norms of the Codec of the Russia on administrative offenses and the Criminal code of the Russian Federation. Among these consequences, the risks of dramatization of evil and stigmatization with subsequent polarization of young people, excessive expansion of the boundaries of criminal repression for ideological reasons, and an increase in the mood of sympathy or imitation for those who will be brought to criminal responsibility for adhering to the criminal subculture are highlighted. According to the author, the window of opportunities for countering the criminal subculture should be used with great care, so as not to repeat the mistakes and excesses that were previously made in countering extremist activities and for the sake of eliminating which the Prosecutor General’s office of the Russian Federation, together with the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, in September 2018, were forced to significantly adjust law enforcement practice.

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