
The article is devoted to the study of transformational changes in the labor market under the influence of the spread of the processes of digital transformation of the economy. Scientific approaches to the content of the "digital transformation" category have been analyzed. It was concluded that digital transformation reflects the process of digitization, which is one of the defining trends in the development of human civilization. The main indicators of digitalization of the economy have been determined. Attention is focused on the continuous impact of digital transformations on the sphere of population employment. The effects of digitalization of the economy on the employment of the population at different levels of the economy: at the level of individual companies, at the sectoral level, and at the macro level have been studied. Five new characteristics of the employment system due to the digitalization of the economy are highlighted: the emergence of new forms of competition in the labor market (between high-value employees; between employers for labor); formation of almost unlimited virtual space for labor mobility of employees; high level of innovativeness and dynamism of the labor market; specific demographic structure of the digital labor market; digital employment can be a tool to ensure balance in the labor market. A number of risks in the field of employment of the population as a result of the digital transformation of the economy have been studied, in particular, a possible increase in the level of unemployment, automation of jobs, updating of work skills, difficulty in employment of the population of various age groups, in particular, the elderly. It was concluded that under the influence of digital transformations of the economy, the labor market expands the employment opportunities of the population, transforms the nature and conditions of work, increases the requirements for the qualifications and competencies of employees, and determines the formation of modern regulatory mechanisms of social and labor relations. The expediency of conducting further scientific research on the transformation of the labor market in the conditions of deepening the processes of digital transformation of the economy is substantiated. Keywords: labor market, employment, digital transformation, digital economy, digitalization, digital technologies.

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