
The article analyzes modern investment strategies in the stock market in terms of their effectiveness. Recommendations are given for the trans- formation and further development of investment strategies in modern econo-mic conditions. The current state of the Russian stock market is considered. At present, the stock market plays an important role in the process of economic development and the redistribution of financial resources. Investment activity that stimulates business largely determines the pace of the development and economic growth of the country. The Russian stock market is in an active stage of development, there is a growing interest of investors in stock instruments as a means of stabilizing and increasing financial resources. That interest is fueled by the specifics of the Russian economy. At the same time, the structure of the stock market becomes more complex every year, being filled with an increasing number of various financial instruments. Making sound decisions about investing money in certain stock instruments, as well as determining the structure of a securities portfolio requires a comprehensive and in-depth analysis on the part of the investor. The most important condition for the implementation of the in- vestor’s desire to receive an income adequate to his ideas is his ability to calcu- late the risks accompanying investments in securities. The article also carried out a comparative analysis of modern investment strategies based on an inte- grated approach that combines elements of fundamental and technical analysis. It also developed and applied an algorithm for evaluating the effectiveness of investment strategies in terms of the ratio of profitability and risk parameters, as well as proposed a number of modifications of the considered investment strategies, taking into account the characteristics and specifics of the Russian stock market.The results were obtained and conclusions were made about the effectiveness of investment strategies, options for their modification, which are of significant practical importance both for professional stock market partici- pants involved in the development of various investment products, and for pri- vate investors who want to decide on the choice of the most optimal investment strategy in the Russian stock market.

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