
В настоящей статье затронута проблема поиска средства заблаговременного обнаружения пожароопасных ситуаций. Проведен краткий анализ возможных решений данной проблемы, в качестве одного из решений на примере реальной разработки рассмотрен электроиндукционный измеритель параметров аэродисперсной системы. Описаны физические принципы, на которых основана работа прибора. Рассмотрены и обоснованы преимущества электроиндукционного метода измерения концентрации высокодисперсного аэрозоля перед другими методами, предназначенными для обеспечения пожарной безопасности в помещении. A number of scientific articles from leading fire safety research institutions have identified the inability to predict the occurrence of a fire hazard situation as a major problem today. Firstly, it is necessary to protect the most vulnerable facilities with expensive equipment, where emergency situations leading to fires occur relatively often. This category includes, for example, energy facilities, sea and river vessels, and ground public transport. Modern fire sensors have varying degrees of effectiveness in detecting fires at an early stage. However, they cannot be used in cases where pre-fire diagnosis is required, as they react to the factors of the fire itself: fire, smoke, increased ambient temperature. A fire hazard situation at various facilities associated with overheating of live parts of power equipment is accompanied by thermal destruction of polymeric materials, in the early stages of which an aerosol cloud is formed with a clear predominance of particles of 0.01 - 0.1 microns in size. The early detection of these particles and, as a consequence, of the fire hazard situation, can be realized by electrical induction instruments for measurement of parameters of aerodisperse system, as they have the greatest sensitivity to the highly dispersed component of the aerosol. In the present article, the advantages of the electrical induction method of measuring the concentration of highly dispersed aerosols are considered and justified in comparison with other methods designed to ensure fire safety in the room, using the example of a real development.

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