
Abstract. The article examines the issues related to the influence of stress factors on the personality of penal system employees, analyzes the concept of stress, the symptoms of its manifestation, as well as the causes of stress. The article is devoted to the results of psycho-diagnostic research and scientific literature on the topic of the work. The research is aimed at studying stress factors affecting the personality of the penal system employees, confirming the statement that the professional activity of the penal system employees takes place in tense, conflict, extreme conditions, it is associated with the presence of permanent stress factors, which leads to the development of professional stress, has a negative impact on the mental and emotional state of the individual, affects the success of the performance of official duties. The methodological basis of the research includes methods of analysis and synthesis, statistical and system- structural method. As a result of this work, the concept of stress as a response of the body to the impact of the external environment has been studied, its symptoms have been identified. The stress factors of professional activity are analyzed, their negative impact on the personality of the penal system employees is investigated, professionally important qualities that prevent the negative impact of stress on the personality are highlighted. It has been established that the intensity of the stress factors’ impact on the personality of penal system employees depends on the length of service in the penal system, age, and the level of professionalism. Conclusions are drawn about the importance of preventing stressful conditions for maintaining and strengthening the mental and emotional health of employees, for reducing the risk of development of negative personality changes, for developing skills of overcoming and regulating stressful conditions, for the successful fulfillment of professional duties. Key words: professional stress, stress factors, professional activity, penal system employees, penal system.

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