
The development of e-business is an important component of the development of the national economy. Precisely the active development of the e-business sphere actualizes the issue of conducting new research in this direction. The article is aimed at deepening the theoretical provisions of the functioning and development of e-business within the system of the national economy of the country. The article considers the essence of the category of «e-business» and proposes to treat such a consideration as follows: e-business is economic activity, which is carried out primarily through the use of modern information technologies for gaining profit. The prerequisites for creating an e-business as a type of entrepreneurial activity are also described. The complexity of detailing the types of economic activity, which today can be attributed to e-business, is substantiated. This is based upon the constant expansion of new directions that arise as result of the active use of information technologies by entrepreneurs in their activities. Several types of entrepreneurial activity are distinguished, which should be attributed to the sphere of e-business. For this purpose, the analysis of the approaches available in the scientific literature to distinguish the basic directions of economic activity in the e-business system is carried out. The results of this analysis allowed to determine the following areas of business under research: e-marketing, e-commerce, e-banking, electronic insurance services, online trading, electronic payments, e-consulting, e-education, e-healthcare, e-commerce, e-recruiting, online auctioning, marketplace, electronic logistics. The content of the outlined types of business is also defined. Further research in the field of e-business may be intended for studying the peculiarities of the functioning of certain types of e-business, their interconnection and the basic conditions for ensuring further development.

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