
This article discusses the features of the criminal law impact applied to minors, which is annually about 80-85%.
 In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of June 24, 1999 No. 120 (as amended on April 24, 2020) “On the Fundamentals of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency”, individual preventive work with adolescents is an integral part of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency. The implementation of this work is within the terms of reference of the commissions for minors and the protection of their rights, internal affairs bodies, social protection of the population, education, guardianship and guardianship, health care, employment services, culture, and sports. Penitentiary inspections (hereinafter referred to as CII) conduct it among minors sentenced to punishment without imprisonment. In the implementation of this work, it is very important, in our opinion, that the teenager is not left without attention of any of the institutions of prevention, only joint well-coordinated long-term work can lead to effective results. It is also important that a teenager not be left without the attention of society, the immediate and distant environment, youth and public organizations.
 The purpose of the study: to study the socio-psychological characteristics of the personality of juvenile convicts with different periods of being registered with the penitentiary institution.
 The subject of the study is the socio-psychological characteristics of the personality of minors with different periods of being registered with the PII.
 The methodological foundations of the study were scientific works on the study of the personality of convicts at various stages of serving their sentences were studied by V.G. Deev, N.A. Polyanin, A.A. Istomin, V.F. Moskalenko, A.I. Papkin, D.V. Sochivko and others.
 Research methods:
 - test questionnaire "Individual psychological questionnaire" (ITO) L.V. Sobchik;
 - test questionnaire "Life Style Index" (LSI) R. Pluchek,
 G. Kellerman, G. Conte;
 - a technique for assessing the level of volitional self-control (VSC) E.V. Eidman, A.G. Zverkova;
 – methodology “Motivation for success and fear of failure” by A.A. Reana;
 - the method of "Meaningful Orientations" (SZHO) A.N. Leontiev;
 – an author's questionnaire on the study of the socio-psychological characteristics of the personality of juvenile convicts registered with the penitentiary institution.
 Theoretical significance of the study: lies in the generalization of the socio-psychological characteristics of the personality of juvenile convicts with different periods of being registered with penitentiary inspections.
 The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the data obtained can be used in the work of psychologists in order to prevent deviant behavior of adolescents.
 The basis of the empirical study was made up of juvenile convicts registered in the penitentiary institution in the amount of 62 people.

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