The article analyzes the interaction of language systems of Church Slavonic, Old Ukrainian, and Polish languages in the work "Zercalo bogoslovii" by Cyril Tranquillion-Stavrovetsky. The Polonisms analyzed in the work are indicative of their role in the system of the Ukrainian language of that time. Firstly, the work is original, and therefore the author chose the words consciously, and among them, there were numerous Polonisms, which accordingly were part of the author's lexicon. Secondly, in the work, the writer aimed to combine Church Slavonic and a common language, that is Old Ukrainian, which is also a confirmation that the Polish borrowings that functioned in the "Zercalo bogoslovii" were an integral part of the Old Ukrainian language. Cyril Tranquillion-Stavrovetsky, teaching Slovenian and Greek, was fully aware of Church Slavonic and Old Ukrainian and he contrasted them, so we assume that he could also oppose Old Ukrainian and Polish. The work singles out a three-member opposition: the features, which are characteristic of the Old Slavonic language, Ukrainian and Polish. Without resorting to the quantitative method, we observe on the old Ukrainian background a clear dominance of the features inherent in the South Slavic group, and we often come across the features of the West Slavic group. There are cases in which the same words or word forms reflect the specifics of Old Slavonic, Ukrainian and Polish languages. The research adopts various descriptive methods, specifically by the way of observation the lexemes of foreign origin were registered; the analysed borrowings were classified according to certain features by means of generalization and classification methods; the method of interpretation was applied to the main findings of the paper. The techniques of comparative and comparative-historical method are used to compare the linguistic phenomena in the analyzed work with the data of modern Slavic languages and dialects. Keywords: Polonism, Church Slavonicism, Old Slavonic language, borrowing, doublet, interaction of languages.
Artykuł analizuje interakcję systemów językowych – cerkiewnosłowiańskiego, staroukraińskiego oraz polskiego w tekście Zwierciadło teologiia autorstwa Cyryla Stawrowieckiego-Tranquillona
The article analyzes the interaction of language systems of Church Slavonic, Old Ukrainian, and Polish languages in the work "Zercalo bogoslovii" by Cyril Tranquillion-Stavrovetsky
In the work, the writer aimed to combine Church Slavonic and a common language, that is Old Ukrainian, which is a confirmation that the Polish borrowings that functioned in the "Zercalo bogoslovii" were an integral part of the Old Ukrainian language
Artykuł analizuje interakcję systemów językowych – cerkiewnosłowiańskiego, staroukraińskiego oraz polskiego w tekście Zwierciadło teologiia autorstwa Cyryla Stawrowieckiego-Tranquillona. У статті проаналізовано взаємодію мовних систем – церковнослов’янської, староукраїнської та польської мов у тексті «Зерцало богословії» Кирила ТранквіліонаСтавровецького. У тексті виокремлюється тричленна опозиція: ознаки властиві для старослов’янської мови, української й польської.
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