본 연구는 논에서 돈분 액비 활용시 담수 시기에 따른 암모니아 휘산량을 평가하였다. 담수 상태에서 돈분 액비 시용은 142.0 mg/<TEX>$m^2$</TEX> 의 암모니아 휘산량을 보인 반면, 돈분액비시용 1일 및 3일 후 담수시 암모니아 휘산량은 29.6, 25.4 mg/<TEX>$m^2$</TEX> 였다. 그리고 담수 상태에서 돈분액비 시용이 돈분액비 시용 후 담수에 비해 높은 암모니아 휘산량을 보인 것은 암모니아가 토양교질에 흡착되지 않고 수중에 높은 농도로 존재하기 때문인 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 논에서 돈비 액비 활용시 암모니아 휘산량 저감에 의한 질소 이용도 향상을 위해서는 돈분액비 살포 최소 1일 후 담수하는 것이 좋을 것으로 판단된다. BACKGROUND: Ammonia emissions from field-applied livestock manure are considered a threat to the environment worldwide. In Korea, a large amount of liquid manure was applied in the rice field before rice transplanting in order to reduce chemical fertilizer use. This study was conducted to provide the optimal flooding time after liquid manure application in an attempt to minimize ammonia emission. METHODS AND RESULTS: Ammonia emission from paddy field applied with liquid pig manure following different flooding time was measured using the dynamic chamber method. The five treatments used were : application of liquid pig manure to paddy field in flooding condition (F0T); one day (F1T) and three days (F3T) after flooding; without flooding (NF), and flooding without the application of liquid pig manure (control). Among the treatment, the highest ammonia emission was observed in F0T. The cumulative ammonia emission of F1T and F3T for 12 days were very similar and were about 4.7 times less than that of the F0T treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Ammonia emission in paddy field could be significantly reduced by liquid pig manure application after flooding rather than application of liquid pig manure in flooding condition. Therefore, flooding after liquid pig manure application would provide much more nitrogen for rice growth due to the reduction of ammonia emission.
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