
Abstract. The study of the problems of interethnic and interfaith relations is a particularly relevant area in the current conditions of development of Kazakhstan. Practice shows that, despite the commitment of the majority of Kazakhstanis to the idea of interethnic stability, integration and harmony, in any society there are destructive elements that do not agree with the existing order and are ready to violate the fragility of great values. In this regard, the priority of studying this issue is determined, first of all, by the possibility of timely identification of the main trends in the dynamics of society in order to develop new approaches and solutions for the further preservation and strengthening of public harmony, which are inextricably linked with the prospects for the development of the state in the global world. This article contains the results of quarterly sociological measurements aimed at studying the state of the interethnic situation in the Mangistau region in 2022. In particular, the article deals with the issues of interethnic attitudes in the context of social well-being, migratory moods of the population of the region in the context of the currentgeopolitical situation and the main transformation processes taking place in the country and the world. The concept of "ethno-social situation" was singled out as the main operational concept. As variables, such concepts as social well-being, interethnic integration, migratory moods, etc. were used. As indicators for identifying the indicated factors, the answers of representatives of the population of the region to questions about satisfaction with their lives, the level of material wellbeing, the most acute problems of the place of residence, priority preferences when choosing a place of residence, etc. In our opinion, the predominance of negative trends in the indicated indicators can cause ethnically marked social tensions. An analysis of interethnic relations, the nature of interethnic interactions at the personal and group levels, allows us to assert that they are not constant, have their own specifics and are due to political, economic (socio-economic), cultural factors of the period under consideration. Keywords: interethnic relations; interethnic integration, migration processes, social wellbeing, ethnic groups; ethnic sign.

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