
Several situational, congruent and normative diagnostic models used in the practice of organizational diagnostics were singled out in the course of empirical research. Diagnostic model of marketing activity of the enterprise is proposed. It presents the main diagnostic blocks and the relationship between them. The elements in the blocks can be configured in different ways depending on the tasks, external conditions, resources, and etc. The model is based on the results of the analysis of well-known change management models proposed by K. Levin, L. Greiner, F. Gouillard and J. Kelly, D. J. Duck, M. Beer and N. Nohria and others, as well as the following diagnostic models: Six Cells model of M. Weisbord, the model of Burke-Litvin, 7S McKinsey model and model of D.Nadler and M. Tushman. The proposed diagnostic model of marketing activity of the enterprise is complex in nature, involves the use of various approaches, as well as systems of indicators for evaluating marketing activities in the process of diagnostics, that later on allows developing appropriate methodological and methodical aspects of changes management in marketing at the enterprise.complex diagnostic model presented in the article allows linking the factors of external environment of the enterprise, general and marketing strategies and goals, as well as the subsystems of internal environment of economic entity in diagnostic process.

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