
One of the greatest and most terrible calamities for humanity throughout history has always been war. It is accompanied by significant material and human losses, contributes to the spread of other disasters, slows down the development of mankind and generally raises serious questions about the possibility of further survival of people on planet Earth. Every year, the power of weapons becomes more powerful, and the consequences of their use are more and more terrible. As a result of russia's armed aggression and the terrorist nature of hostilities, a large number of explosive objects remained on the territory of Ukraine, which for one reason or another did not explode. This creates real serious threats to the normal life of the population. In the post-war period, an urgent problem will be a complete survey of dangerous areas and infrastructure facilities for the presence of explosive objects, detection, neutralization and their destruction. The implementation of a set of measures for humanitarian demining requires clear planning and organization of all works for the disposal and destruction of unexploded ordnance. At the same time, a well-founded approach to technical support, training of relevant specialists of various types, time calculations of work deadlines is necessary. The article has developed a methodology for calculating the required number of specialists and technical equipment for humanitarian demining dangerous territories of Ukraine, which allows to estimate the general term of solving this problem, the number of personnel and technical equipment to perform the necessary work. If necessary, the proposed mathematical apparatus allows solving the inverse problem as well: based on a specific deadline for solving the problem, estimate the required total number of personnel and the required total amount of technical equipment to perform the work in the allotted time. A control algorithm for the implementation of this technique is proposed, which includes 18 blocks placed on 6 hierarchical levels and connected by direct and feedback links. This makes it possible to implement the developed methodology in the real conditions of the performance of the assigned tasks.

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