
Due to the lack of serial samples of small-sized maneuverable machines capable of the surface application of biological product solutions to degraded mountain meadows and pastures, the authors developed a laboratory sample of the block module based on the Fenshaw-180 minitractor and offered the technology of introducing biological products by the developed unit, specified the design of its working parts and units, taking into account agrotechnical requirements. At the next stage, they carried out commissioning and adjustment work, bench and field tests of the block module. For testing, a site typical of the soil-climatic zone was selected that meets the requirements of the technical assignment, technical specifications for manufacturing, and agrotechnical requirements for the prototype. Tuning and adjustment, bench and field tests of the block module were then carried out. For testing, a typical site for the soil-climatic zone was selected that meets the requirements of the technical assignment, technical specifications for manufacturing and agrotechnical requirements for a prototype. The technology was tested in the mountainous zone of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania (the Dargavs basin, the SKNIIGPSKh base) at an altitude of 1540 m above sea level with a southeastern exposure and a slope steepness of up to 15°. The laboratory sample of the unit complies with the agrotechnical requirements and the terms of reference. Surface application of biological preparations was carried out according to the application rates. Studies have established an increase in the yearly yield of perennial grasses by 15…20% and strengthening of the turf, which prevents the development of water and wind erosion in a mountain zone with degraded soils. The authors conclude that it is expedient to use the developed block-module in mountain meadows and pastures with a slope of up to 15°.

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