
The article considers the theoretical aspects of self-development, presents generalized results on the characteristics of the concept of “professional self-development”, in particular, in order to identify trends in its scientific definitions, uses content analysis as a method of quantifying qualitative features of information. It is established that the greatest significance is inherent in the definition of “professional selfdevelopment” as a continuous process of objectification of essential forces (synthesis of intellect, feelings, willpower, value orientations, etc.) of the individual in professional activity that is creative and socially useful for self-realization in the chosen profession, achieving objectively high results in accordance with internal subjective norms and criteria. The readiness of a teacher for professional self-development is considered by the author as an integrative characteristic of personality which combines motivational-value, cognitive-intellectual and operational-activity determinants of continuous qualitative changes in professional activity which generally ensure significant career results in accordance with modern requirements. The basis for readiness of a teacher for professional self-development is regarded as a specific system of indices of the formation of attainments, skills and qualities necessary for further efficient self-development of a teacher. Based on the study and analysis of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical literature. the structure of the readiness of a teacher for professional self-development is determined. Motivational, cognitive-intellectual and activity components are specified. They are interconnected and complementary which should be given attention to in the scientific and methodological work. The leading functions of the readiness of a teacher for professional self-development (informational, motivational, meaningful, reflective, communicative, and normative) are identified. It is noted that the main mechanisms of the readiness of a teacher for professional self-development are self-knowledge, self-determination, self-identification, self-organization, self-education, self-regulation, focus on professional and creative self-realization in the pedagogical activity, and self-assessment. It is determined that professional self-development of teachers is their conscious self-knowledge and selfdesign activity in scientific-methodological work. The urgency of forming readiness of teachers for professional self-development in the system of postgraduate education as a necessary condition for the growth of their professionalism at the stage of dynamic social and transformational processes is emphasized.

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