
The article reveals the essence of professional mobility as one of the characteristics of the successful functioning of the future teacher in professional activity. A description of the concepts «mobility», «professional mobility» is provided. The need to organize such a system of professional training of future teachers is emphasized, which can ensure a purposeful process of forming their readiness for continuing professional self-development, desire and ability to constantly raise the level of professional skills, which would ensure their efficiency and competitiveness in future professional activities. It has been found that the professional mobility of future teachers testifies to their internal readiness for qualitative changes, is manifested in the ability to quickly acquire and generalize new professional competencies; willingness to make decisions and the ability to adapt in the event of a change in the tasks of professional activity, which will ensure their efficiency and competitiveness in future professional activity. It has been determined that a significant amount of theoretical research on the problem of the formation of professional mobility of teachers has been accumulated in the pedagogical literature. The results of the research aimed at identifying the needs and opportunities of modern teachers for continuing professional improvement and changes in professional activity are appropriate. It has been revealed that the future specialist should be open to innovation, be included in teamwork, which will characterize him as a socially competent specialist capable of displaying creativity in professional activity. It has been emphasized that professional mobility is a value-meaningful, dynamic, integrative and integral quality of an individual, which is manifested in his or her specific activity through readiness, reaction and ability to innovate, improve, develop and realize himself in professional activity, ensuring the effectiveness of specific tasks solution within the limits of his or her profession, mastering new techniques and technologies, determining social activity and effective adaptability to transformation processes.

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