
The article is devoted to the analysis of the state of the air defense forces of the Army of the Republic of Turkey. The object of the study is the military-technical development of Turkey. The subject of the study is the current state of Turkey's air defense. The purpose of the study is to demonstrate the current state of Turkey's air defense. For this purpose it is necessary to solve the following tasks: to consider command structure of Turkish Air Defense Forces; to analyze available samples of equipment in Turkish Air Defense Forces; to consider successes of Turkish Military Industrial Complex in construction of own samples of Air Defense Forces. The research methodology is based on a systematic approach to consider the Turkish MIC as an integral system. Event analysis is applied to trace the main developments in the field of Turkey's air defense development. Source analysis is used to study the websites of the official agencies of the companies in the field of the military-industrial complex. General scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction are used in the work. It is noted that Turkey has switched to an offensive foreign policy, which requires it to have a high level of preparedness in all spheres, including the military. The article presents the structural organization of the management of the Turkish air defense forces. The samples of weapons available in the Turkish army are analyzed. Their quantitative and qualitative characteristics are given. It is noted that the purchase of the S-400 air defense system by Turkey was of a political nature. The successes of the Turkish military-industrial complex in the development of air defense systems are demonstrated, but at the moment these developments cannot meet the needs of the army. It is concluded that the Turkish air defense forces are experiencing difficulties due to limited capabilities and require updating and expanding the existing arsenal

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