
Goal. Determination of the influence of plow front plows on its traction resistance and operational and technological indicators of the plow unit and the transverse profile of the surface of the plowed field. Methods. Theoretical studies were carried out using the main provisions of the theory of agricultural machines, theoretical mechanics and higher mathematics. The corresponding calculations were carried out on a PC in the Mathcad 15.0 software environment, and their graphic interpretation was implemented using the Grapher 20 editor. The physical objects of the experimental research were plowing machine-tractor units based on the KhTZ-16131 tractor, which was aggregated with plows PLN-5-35, PNB-5-40 and PNYA-4-42. The first of these plowing tools was equipped with a device for measuring traction resistance. Results. The impact of the use of plowing implements with front plows, angle cutters and second-level bodies (two-tier plow) on the statistical characteristics of the plowing depth, the width of the unit, the longitudinal profile of the field and the traction resistance of the plow was studied. Conclusions. The use of plowing implements with front plows, angle cutters or second-tier housings ensures homogeneity of variances of plowing depth fluctuations. On the other hand, the use of a plow without front plows installed on it leads to a natural and significant increase in the dispersion of fluctuations in the depth of soil cultivation and the transverse profile of the field. The normalized correlation function of this process is characterized by the presence of a significantly pronounced periodic component. Under the condition of using a plow without front plows installed on it, the period of this component practically corresponds to the working width of the plow implement. The use of front plows with a collapse angle of 25° determines its deforming effect on the soil environment in the form of detachment, not shear. As a result, this provides a statistically significant and, moreover, natural reduction in the traction resistance of the plow. For plow tool PLN-5-35 in the conditions of experimental studies, this reduction was 1.1 kN or 3.3%.

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