
The article researches scientific principles of interpretation of the "potential-forming space" from the aspect of regional economy. The author defines the system characteristics of the potential-forming space of the regional economy: the resource elements of the regional economic system have locations determined by the regional geography; the economic potential of the region is formed by thespecifics of resource provision; economic communications within the economic space of the region determine the speed of adaptation to changes, resistance to risks, and the effectiveness of modernisation; the spatial factor is based on the physical location of resources, production facilities, population, and institutions in the region. The systemic management of the potential-forming space is based on methodological founda-tions and principles of effective interaction of the elements of the region's potential. In the organisational support of the processes of managing the potential-forming space of regions, adaptability and innovative-ness, as principles of development, determine the strategic guidelines for further regulation of structural changes to form the region's competitiveness in the world markets, the efficiency of reproduction and sus-tainable development of the region's territories, its economic entities and objects. The organisational and economic support of economic systems is coordinated by the author in the mechanism of regulation. The author also formulates the axiom of system management of the potential-forming space of a region -trans-formation takes place under the influence of geographical location, state policy, resource supply and al-location of productive forces, infrastructure development, specialisation of production and industry, com-petitive status in the national and world economies. The working hypotheses of the study are digitalisation as a determinant of innovative development and intellectualisation of the regional economy, which forms new technologies of administration and institutional regulation, competitive advantages for regional eco-nomic entities, and allows rationalising the processes of resource and product distribution.

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