
PACS numbers: 95.55.Jz, 95.85.Bh, 96.50.Wx Purpose: Investigation of the effects of the influence of solar and geomagnetic activity on the condition of the Earth’s upper atmosphere by the method of “transmission through” it with the radiation of cosmic radio sources. Design/methodology/approach: Monitoring of the fluxes of powerful galactic and extragalactic radio sources is carried out at the URAN-4 radio telescope of the Odesa Observatory of the Institute of Radio Astronomy of the NAS of Ukraine since 1987 till now. The monitoring program includes radio galaxies 3C274, 3C405 and supernova remnants 3C144, 3C461. Changes of fluxes of radiation sources at decameter waves are determined by the condition of an ionosphere resulted due to space weather variation. Findings: The models of multiple correlation dependence of fluxes of radio sources on the factors forming space weather for the periods of extreme conditions of the solar and geomagnetic activity are considered. The explanatory variables are divided into three groups: indices of solar activity, flows of particles, magnetic field components. Over 60 models of the multiple correlation dependence were calculated. Values of a multiple coefficient of correlation within 0.86 to 0.99 were obtained. The greatest contribution to the quantity of a multiple coefficient of correlation give: solar radio emission at the wave of 10.7 cm (F10.7), the total area of groups of spots (Sp), flows of electrons (E) and protons (P). Conclusions: Monitoring of fluxes of space radio sources made at the “URAN-4” radio telescope makes it possible to “transmit through” the Earth ionosphere above the radio telescope and determines the integral effect of the solar and geomagnetic activity influence on it. The great amount of the data observed with using the “URAN-4” radio telescope allows more detailed study of the influence of space weather effects in the ionosphere to be made in our next works. Key words: upper atmosphere, solar activity, geomagnetic activity, space weather Manuscript submitted 26.06.2018 Radio phys. radio astron. 2018, 23(3): 189-202 REFERENCES 1. RYABOV, M. I., PANISHKO, S. K. and GUGLYA, L. I., 2011. Space weather impacts on the Earth’s upper atmosphere according to the monitoring of powerful radio sources fluxes at the URAN-4 radio telescope (Institute of Radio Astronomy, NAS of Ukraine). Odessa Astronomical Publications . vol. 24, pp. 159–161. (in Russian). 2. SOBITNIAK, L. I., RYABOV, M. I., SUKHAREV, A. L. and PANISHKO, S. K., 2017. Structure of variability indexes of cosmic weather as applied to data monitoring of fluxes of radio sources at the “URAN-4” radio telescope. Radio Phys. Radio Astron . vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 294–303 (in Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/rpra22.04.294 3. BOROVIKOV, V. A., 2001. STATISTICA: The art of data analysis on a computer . St. Petersburg: Piter Publ. (in Russian). 4. BRUZEK, A. and DURRANT, C. J., eds., 1977. Illustrated glossary for solar and solar-terrestrial physics . Dordrecht, Boston: D. Reidel Pub. Co. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-010-1245-4 5. IVANOV-KHOLODNYI, G. S. and NIKOLSKY, G. M., 1969. The Sun and Ionosphere. Short wave solar radiation and its effect on the ionosphere . Moscow, Russia: Nauka Publ. (in Russian). 6. RUSSELL, C. T. and MCPHERRON, R. L., 1973. Semiannual Variation of Geomagnetic Activity. J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys . vol. 78, is. 1, pp. 92–108. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1029/JA078i001p00092 7. ZELENYI, L. M. and VESELOVSKIY, I. S., eds., 2008. Plasma heliogeophysics . Moscow, Russia: Fizmatlit Publ. vol. 1-2. (in Russian). 8. MIROSHNICHENKO, L. I., 2011. Physics of the Sun and solar-terrestrial connections . Moscow, Russia: Universitetskaya Kniga Publ. (in Russian). 9. OBRIDKO, V. N. and NAGOVITSYN, YU. A., 2017. Solar activity, cyclicity and prediction methods . St. Petersburg: VVM Publ. (in Russian).



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В опубликованной ранее работе [1] представлены результаты длительного мониторинга потоков излучения мощных галактических и внегалактических радиоисточников, проводимого на радиотелескопе “УРАН-4” Одесской обсерватории Радиоастрономического института НАН Украины с момента ввода его в эксплуатацию в 1987 г. Время прохождения радиоисточников 3С144, 3С274, 3С405 через диаграмму направленности составляло 40 мин (для каждого часового угла), для радиоисточника 3С461 – 60 мин. В целом общее время суточного мониторинга превышало 13 ч. В результате мониторинга потоков излучения радиоисточников получены данные наблюдений в различное время суток 1) и при различных состояниях солнечной активности. Описание метода обработки данных мониторинга дано в работе [2]. Мониторинг потоков космических радиоисточников, проводимый на радиотелескопе “УРАН-4”, позволяет “просвечивать” ионосферу Земли над радиотелескопом и определяет интегральный эффект воздействия на нее солнечной и геомагнитной активности

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