
The article discusses the features of the growth and development of wheat plants in winter, the precursor of which was soy in the spring-summer growing season on black soil opidzolenii by the Right-Bank of Lisosteppe of Ukraine. The dynamics of productive moisture in the soil, the influence of weather conditions on the duration of the passage of the phases of vegetation, as well as their effect on the growth and development of plants was studied. The effect of various doses and timing of the use of nitrogen fertilizers on biometric indicators, leaf surface area, mass of 100 dry plants and productivity of winter wheat variety Lazurnaya was established. Nitrogen fertilizers provide an increase in the mass of 100 dry plants by 8–16 % with the advantage of their one-time introduction to the tillering phase. A correlation between green mass of plants in different periods (tillering, tubing, heading) of vegetation and yield of winter crops has been established. The correlation between the amount of precipitation was weak (R = 0,2), strong during the exit phase into the tube (R = 0,77), and very strong during the heading phase (R = 0,96). The relationship between plant height and yield at different periods of vegetation was revealed: during the tillering phase, the correlation was significant (R = 0,55), the yield and heading were strong (R = 0,88) has been identified. The leaf surface area varied depending on weather conditions and fertilizer doses. It was greatest in the phase of entering the tube with a single application of nitrogen fertilizers with a dose of 60 kg/ha a.s., and the smallest – in the phase of milk maturity, and on average over the years of research varied from 14,7 to 22,1 thousand m2/ha depending on the intensification of fertilizers. It was found that the yield of winter wheat depended on weather conditions and fertilizers. On average, according to experience, it increased by 30–54 % and depended more on doses of fertilizers than on the timing of their use. It was the largest (6,28 t/ha) at a reliable level when P30K30 + N60 + N60 was added. A high level of reliability of the approximation (R2 = 0,96) between yield and intensification of fertilizer was found.

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