
Introduction . In modern scientific literature, ontology and gnoseology are defined as sections of philosophy where the basic categories of being and cognition are explored. And the connection between them is undoubted. If gnoseology is inseparable from ontology, the connection between them is absolute; if ontology not independent branch of philosophy, the connection between ontology and gnoseology not have any scientific status. Purpose . The purpose of the the article is, at first, more meticulous consideration of the inseparability/separability of ontology and gnoseology. Secondly, the disclosure of the content of the concept connection of ontology and gnoseology, if it exists. Methods. In this study was applied abduction method. Abduction allows one to see hitherto hidden connections between various phenomena; it reveals – makes visible – a set of existing relationships. Results . The article explores the actual position, that all philosophical questions and answers in any way still rely on ontology, return to ontology, revolve around ontology, etc. At the same time, it turned out that the tendency of philosophy to universality is a fact even in spite of the main attempts to deontologize the world (neo-positivism, analytical philosophy, post-structuralism). And the pursuit of philosophy towards universality leads to the whole as a common property of reality and the whole as general. Particularly important here is the idea of M. Heidegger that the study of man leads to ontology, and the comprehension of being speaks of the existence of man. And then the connection between ontology and gnoseology is already unconditional. In order to identify the specific meaning of the concept of connection, we have taken into account contemporary constructive realism as a non-classical methodology of modern cognition. Originality. The first time proved that ass ontology is determined by time, so the connection between ontology and gnoseology establishes the whole. The whole, which exists as a universal property and fundamental characteristic of the real world, and gnoseologically must have the status of a category with its system of interrelated concepts. Also for the first time, is argued the hypothesis is that all attempts to deontologize the world and gnoseologize ontology are completely futile. Conclusion . In denying the connection ontology and gnoseology man disappears both as an active subject of cognition, and the creator of his own reality, and the beginning of the imperative of history. The objective whole and the category of the whole determine the connection between ontology and gnoseology. G noseology is inseparable from ontology, and ontology from gnoseology. The connection between them is absolutely necessary.

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