
In the article it is highlighted the scientific and pedagogical concept of Boleslav Yavorskiy in the context of art education. Analyzing the artistic and pedagogical activities of the outstanding musicologist, pedagogue, and musician allows significantly expanding the idea of the artist’s work and at the same time realizing its importance in the context of art education. Performing aesthetics of the outstanding artist, his musical and pedagogical views, the basic principles of building curricula and programs contributed to the formation of the conceptual foundations of music and pedagogical education in Ukraine. The artist left a scientific and pedagogical heritage in the history of national art education, contributing to the process of its formation and development. It is proved that B. Yavorskiy promoted the process of formation of musical perception and musical creativity of a child that should include five stages, which he called “implementation to creativity”: 1. Accumulation of impressions; 2. Spontaneous expression of the creative principle in visual, sensory-motor and speech manifestations; 3. Moveable, language, music improvisation, illustrations in pictures; 4. Creation of one’s own compositions (musical, pictorial, plastic, literary), providing the quality of artistic or life impressions: songs, poems, prose miniatures, plastic compositions, drawings, etc.); 5. Musical creativity – creating songs, simple pieces for piano.It is actualized the statement that uniqueness of B. Yavorskiy’s pedagogical system was provided by listening to music, considering it the basis of the whole system of music education. He believed that listening to music organizes not only musical thinking, but also feeling in the broad aesthetic sense of the word; that listening to music should involve the organization of creative attention, the release of creative perception from excessive stress, and verbal design of the auditory response should require students to serious analytical work. The basic pedagogical principles in the educational process of Boleslav Yavorskiy’s pedagogical system are outlined.Thus, analyzing B.Yavorskiy’s scientific and pedagogical concept in the context of art education it should be concluded that the peculiarities of the use of different types of art for a deeper emotional and aesthetic perception of music have played an important role in the development of musical art. Scientific study of B. Yavorskiy’s music pedagogical experience became the basis of national and world music and pedagogical education, the formation of a high moral personality.

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