
The article reveals the content of conceptual approaches to the training of teachers identified by Ivan Ziaziun during his professional activities as Rector of Pedagogical Institute, the Minister of Education, Director of the Institute of NAPS of Ukraine. They are based on the methodological principles, the continuity and multi- levelness of pedagogical education in Ukraine. The Concept of Teacher Education (1998) and Conceptual Approaches to the Development of Multilevel Pedagogical Education in Ukraine (2011) states that the training of future teachers to educational and pedagogical action is determined by social and educational conditions and changes in the system of teacher education. The tasks of multilevel structure of higher pedagogical education are to meet a variety of cultural, educational, theoretical,practical, scientific, aesthetic, ethical and other demands of an individual and society, raising the general cultural, scientific and vocational training in response to the needs of modern society, and the market of educational work. In the structure of the substantive and content component of the teacher's professional training, ideas of psychological and pedagogical mechanisms of personal development, value content of special subjects and ways of their humanization, strengthening the professional orientation of special disciplines and the integrative function of psychological and pedagogical science as a source of development of new paradigms of psychological and pedagogical thinking in the system of education and upbringing are gaining special significance. A teacher trained to work in a personally developing pedagogical system must have reflexive pedagogical thinking, including a categorical apparatus of self-examination, self-expertise and self-control, the basics of individual style in the future authorial system of pedagogical action, self-developmental settings, dialogue, and perception of the person's world of the pupil. Conceptual approaches identified by Ivan Ziaziun are realities of life experience and have a close connection with life, so they need to be taken into account in the current conditions of reforming the system of vocational teacher training.

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