
Background. Military tourism in Ukraine is a relatively new direction that emerged after the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian war in 2014. According to experts' estimates, around 100,000 tourists interested in the war visited Ukraine in 2023. This figure is 30 % higher than in 2022. International support for Ukraine contributes to increasing awareness of our country and its history. Respect for memory and dignity is a fundamental principle in the ethics of research and interaction with the historical and sensitive topic of military tourism. Methods. General scientific and specialized research methods were employed, including analysis and synthesis, logical structuring, in formulating the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study – the essence of military tourism, aspects of studying military tourism. Expeditionary and remote methods were utilized in gathering initial information – surveying the territories of cities such as Irpin, Hostomel, and Bucha. Geospatial analysis methods were employed in processing the initial information and subsequent analysis – exploring the possibilities of creating thematic routes, which would allow for structuring visits and promoting historical and heritage sites. Geospatial modeling and cartographic methods were employed in analyzing the impact of military aggression on Ukraine on international tourism and in presenting the research results. Results. Military tourism was considered by us as a type of tourism in which tourists visit places and objects associated with armed conflicts, military history, and military events. This type of tourism can encompass various aspects, from visiting military museums and monuments to specialized tours where tourists can participate in military action simulations, visit military sites, and locations of combat. A proposed model for forming the typological structure of military tourism. Conclusions. Tourism based on history and cultural heritage can be more authentic and appealing to tourists. In the academic context, there is emerging research aimed at monitoring, evaluating, and optimizing military tourism routes. One aspect that has contributed to the success of military routes is the coordination of efforts to build a shared identity. It has been found that military tourism can contribute to raising awareness of war, promoting tolerance and understanding among people of different cultures, and fostering the development of Ukraine's economy, including international support for military tourism in Ukraine.

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