
The constant interest of people in military history, historical battles, battles and other military heritage promotes military tourism. However, despite the presence of a certain array of research and publications on various aspects of the development of this type of tourism, basic research in terms of defining and classifying types of military tourism, the geography of military tourism in Ukraine is not identified. Therefore, theoretical studies of the essence of military tourism, as well as the potential and opportunities for the development of this type of tourism in Ukraine are timely and relevant. To achieve this goal, an analysis of the main theoretical provisions and principles of military tourism, covered in domestic and foreign scientific publications. It is proposed to understand military tourism as one of the types of tourism, which involves visiting historical and modern military sites / institutions / locations, attracting tourists to the realities of modern military life, in safe military events or their historical reconstructions, etc. Among the tasks of military trism, its importance is clarified, first of all, for the patriotic upbringing of young people, especially in modern conditions, when the heroism and love of freedom of ancestors comes to life in Ukrainian soldiers who defend the country from Russian aggression. The main motives of tourists for military travel are described. The typification of the main criteria and principles of classification of military tourism in tourist activity is given. The author's classification of types of military tourism is offered, according to which military-historical, military and military-event types of tourism are distinguished. «Military» places and locations of Ukraine were monitored. This allowed to identify potentially popular for tourists objects: ramparts, fortresses, castles, castles, bastions, forts, defensive monasteries, temples, cathedrals, fortresses, defensive lines, battlefields, battles and military glory, which are associated with feats of national heroes, museums, memorial complexes, monuments dedicated to military themes, dioramas, bunkers, bunkers, DOTs, trenches, remnants of equipment, etc., which can be used in the development of new tourist products of military tourism.

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