
SUMMARY: In his historiographic survey Igor’ Martyniuk focuses on one of the flourishing trends of historical studies in Post Soviet Russia, namely the history and myths of Russian ( rossiiskaia ) emigration after 1917. The author explores the psychological, cultural, and intellectual conditions of post Soviet transition under which the study of emigration boomed and continues to dominate the agenda of the historical profession. Martyniuk analyzes different aspects of historiography of Russian emigration, including the social, intellectual, and political history of émigrés, the study of migration regulations of host countries, the history of Russian and non Russian nationalisms abroad by comparing the state of art in Russian and non Russian (including Western European and American) historical literature. The author observes that the impact of political and intellectual climate emigration studies in post Soviet Russia resulted in a peculiar distribution of themes and interpretations as well as in a descriptive and bibliographic character of early works. The author concludes that the present state of emigrations studies is ripe for methodological innovations, synthetic works, and conceptual discussion on history of the Russian emigration.

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