
The work is devoted to studying the influence of seeding rates and sowing methods on the formation of chickpea plant leaves area. Problem statement, literature analysis . Given the current climate change, the soil and market conditions, it becomes important to increase the area of leguminous crops with high adaptive potential. One of such crops is chickpea. The demand for this crop in Ukraine and around the world tends to grow. Further expansion of chickpea acreage is impossible without increasing the competitiveness of this crop production, especially seed yield. It is possible to increase the realization level of the genetic potential of chickpea productivity by optimizing its cultivation technology. However, in the chickpea cultivation technology the most controversial issue remains the choice of the optimal combination of seeding rate and sowing method. Therefore, it is important to study the cultivation technology elements (seeding rates, sowing methods) in order to select the best parameters, the combination of which makes it possible to more fully disclose the genetic potential of plant productivity. The purpose of research . The research aim was to establish the influence of seeding rates and sowing methods on the crop leaves area formation of different chickpea varieties during vegetation. Material s and methods of research. Studies on the effect of three sowing methods with row spacing of 15, 30 and 45 cm and five seeding rates of 0,5; 0,6; 0,7; 0,8 and 0,9 million units per hectare on the crop leaves area formation of chickpea varieties Budjak and Odyssey were carried out in 2016–2018 on the experimental field of the Kharkiv National Agrarian University n.a. V.V. Dokuchaev. The accounting plot area was 10 m 2 . Research results and discussion . It was found that the assimilation surface size of the chickpea crops of both varieties was significantly influenced by the studied technological factors, namely, the seeding rate and sowing methods. During the flowering phase, the leaf surface area of chickpea plants was the largest and ranged from 10,32 to 16,03 th. m 2 /ha in the Budjak variety and from 10,68 to 17,15 th. m 2 /ha in the Odyssey variety . Analysis of the studied factors, as sources of chickpea crops leaves area variability in the flowering phase, showed the dominant value of the seeding rate. The share of this factor on average over the research years was 88%. Among the main effects of the studied factors, the smallest impact on the leaf area general variability had the variety – 3,0 %. The seeding method share was 7,8 %. A similar pattern is also noted in the phase of branching and maturation. Conclusion s . The studied technological factors had a significant impact on the leaf area variability of the chickpea crops. It has been established that during the flowering phase the area of the chickpea plant assimilation surface reaches its maximum values. In particular, the leaf area of Budjak variety during the branching, flowering and ripening phases was in average – 2,40; 13,07 and 3,32 th. m 2 /ha, in the Odyssey variety – 2,58; 13,65 and 3,44 th. m 2 /ha. In both studied varieties, the leaf area of crops has a clearly pronounced tendency to increase with the seeding rate rising. At the same time, the gradual seeding rate increase per gradation step (0,1 million pcs / ha), the increment of leaf area index gradually decreases. Therefore, the leaf area increment with the seeding rate enlargement from 0,8 to 0,9 million pcs / ha was the smallest. Sowing methods also influenced the variability of chickpea leaf surface area, but their impact was significantly less than seeding rates effect. The extension of the row spacing from 15 to 30 cm led to a significantly smaller leaf surface area decrease during the studied phases of plant development than the row spacing expansion from 30 to 45 cm.

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