
The article discusses the features of the construction of a section of the approach embankment to the bridge crossing over the Kolomenka River of the Moscow — St. Petersburg expressway. The presence of structurally unstable soils in the section caused problems during the engineering development of the site, which were expressed, first of all, in the deformation of the soil thickness of the base. Evaluation of their physical and mechanical properties of soils showed the impossibility of using them without the use of methods to increase their bearing capacity. To strengthen the base of the site, which allows to stabilize the thickness of weak soils and compact loose sands, a complex of works was carried out using the method of deep compaction of soils using drilling and blasting technology. The article presents information about the engineering and geological conditions of the site of the approach embankment to the bridge crossing and the results of the work performed to stabilize the base of the embankment, confirmed by geodetic observations and engineering and geophysical studies.

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