
At the present stage ofsocial development, in difficult conditions that slow down the process of transformation and modernization of all spheres of modern life, there are new requirements for art in general and for the role of an art manager in modern sociocultural activity. It is the art managers who are responsible for the formation of the modern concept of the development of Ukrainian culture and art, their elevation to a new qualitative level, aesthetic education of youth and society as a whole. The purpose of the article is to study the concept of "art management" and the role of the personality of the art manager as the most important subject of socio-cultural activity, which regulates and ensures the management system and develops a development strategy in the field of culture and art. It was revealed that the basis of art management is the organization of the sphere of culture and art, the effectiveness of which depends on the correctly found management model, as well as the personality and professional level of the leader. The art manager is the most important subject of socio-cultural activity, which provides, controls and regulates the management process in the field of culture and art, aimed at solving the tasks of: preservation and development of artistic creativity; multiplication of spiritual, moral, aesthetic, educational, cultural and educational and patriotic values; creation, presentation and promotion of an artistic product in the socio-cultural environment of society. It is substantiated that a modern manager in the field of art must: be able to see the creative potential of an artist, develop and use the artist's talent in his own interests and the interests of the artist; navigate in modern cultural policy; master the basics of business etiquette, including the art of self-presentation; form a team of professionals around you to implement all stages of your activity, be able to infect others with your ideas; have strong energy and maintain self-control in any life situations.

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