
The article is aimed at further developing the instrumentarium to ensure the financial sustainability of enterprise as the basis of its economic security. It is proved that the economic security of enterprise largely depends on the financial component along with sustainability, solvency, liquidity, and profitability. The position, considered undeniable, is that financial sustainability constitutes the basis of security of enterprise and its ability to implement development strategies in the context of minimizing the impact of risks, threats and dangers. It was noted that the effectiveness of the interrelationship and mutual impact of financial sustainability and security of enterprise is reflected in its financial flexibility on the basis of the ability to change the volume and structure of sources of financing, as well as the directions of investment of financial resources under the influence of risks, threats, dangers of the internal and external environment. The state approach to the gradation of levels of financial sustainability and economic security of enterprise is proposed taking into account the retrospective, current and prospective nature of the impact of risks, threats and dangers on the activities of enterprise; the relevant instrumentarium of evaluation and management tools is specified. It is substantiated that modern approaches in managing the financial sustainability of enterprise on a securely oriented basis should be grounded on systemacity, processity, functionality and synergy. Prospects for further research in this direction are the substantiation of the indicator approach to assessing the level of financial sustainability of enterprise on the basis of taking into account the parameters of its economic security and the development of an instrumentarium for identifying both the existing and the potential threats and dangers.

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