
The article deals with the problem of the activity approach in training of preschooleducation specialists, who are ready to work in competitive conditions in the labormarket. The concepts of "professional competence", "activity approach", "personality-activity approach" are characterized, professional competences of the teacher of pre-school educational institutions, defined by the State standards of higher education, aredetermined.Characteristics reflecting the professional competence of a modern specialist inpreschool education, personal qualities of the future teacher, his readiness to work withchildren through the introduction of innovative technologies are highlighted.The analysis of a number of works of national scientists is presented, in which variousaspects of preparation of future specialists of pre-school education are revealed. The basic components of the professional competence of the educator are highlighted. Themain idea of the activity approach in student training, the technology of modelingteaching, the possibility of using symbolic visibility, presented in the form of schemes,tables, models, matrices, charts and graphs, in the process of submission and furtherprocessing of specific information are revealed.In order to develop students' critical thinking, the methodology of using Case StudyTechnology is successfully analyzed. This Technology effectively integrates educational,analytical and educational activities, which are definitely active and effective inimplementing the modern tasks of the education system. The essence of the method,which consists in using specific cases for the joint analysis, discussion or elaboration ofdecisions by students from a certain section of the discipline, and stages of conductingclasses using the case-method are singled out.The general conclusions about application of the activity approach to formation ofprofessional competence of future teachers of preschool education are formulated.


  • The article deals with the problem of the activity approach in training of preschool education specialists, who are ready to work in competitive conditions in the labor market

  • Characteristics reflecting the professional competence of a modern specialist in preschool education, personal qualities of the future teacher, his readiness to work with children through the introduction of innovative technologies are highlighted

  • Хуторський, розкриваючи роль освітніх компетенцій у стандартах, зауважують, що освітні компетенції є наслідком особистісно-діяльнісного підходу до освіти, оскільки відносяться до особистості студента та формуються і перевіряються у процесі виконання ним певним чином складеного комплексу дій

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The article deals with the problem of the activity approach in training of preschool education specialists, who are ready to work in competitive conditions in the labor market. Characteristics reflecting the professional competence of a modern specialist in preschool education, personal qualities of the future teacher, his readiness to work with children through the introduction of innovative technologies are highlighted. Бєлєнька); впровадження інноваційних педагогічних технологій у підготовку фахівців дошкільної освіти

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