
Along with the malacofaunistic method, which is the main one for studying the paleo events of the Pleistocene, on which the system for diagnosing transgressions and their correlation on different coasts of the Caspian Sea is based, geomorphological and allometric methods were used in the work. Small rivers are very sensitive to small and short-term changes in sea level, which makes it possible to apply the geomorphological method for paleoreconstruction. An integrated approach makes it possible to diagnose a number of paleogeographic changes: fluctuations in sea level, passage of cold or warm currents, straits, changes in sea water temperature. According to the studied fossil complex, it is possible to obtain information about the parameters of the habitat of didacn, when comparing it with previous and subsequent ones, it is possible to judge the direction of paleogeographic events. The alternation of different complexes of bivalves, the use of morphometric characteristics of mollusk shells as an indicator of the ecological situation in the Quaternary period help to stratify the deposits in detail. The change in temperature and salinity of Paleocaspian waters is evidenced by the occurrence in Pleistocene sediments of representatives of didacnas of one of three groups (catillus, crassa, trigonoides). We have correlated the sections of the Khazar deposits of the Dagestan region.

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