
The article examines the influence of non-material factors (morality and law) on city-building relations, which ensure the organization and ordering of social relations. The need to reconcile the needs and interests of an individual on the one hand and groups of people from the other condition the consideration of law and morality in urban planning. The emphasis is placed on the fact that the process of a civilization organization, among all other features, is characterized by the phenomenon of urbanization. Creating and developing cities is the key to the development of society and the form of satisfaction of certain types of material goods. Legal regulation – is the right to social relations with the help of certain legal means, first of all, the rules of law. In the conditions of formation in Ukraine of the foundations of a legal state, the role and importance of legal regulation of urban development law becomes of particular relevance. In the context of our study it is worth paying attention to a number of common features in the regulation of legislation in the field of urban planning and public relations. It is believed that legal regulation does not apply to those spheres of social existence that are not subject to external control. In these conditions, the categories of morality and law, being closely interconnected, affect the consciousness of the person who is the final customer and the object on which the city-building relations are directed. The consideration of categories of morality and law in the process of urban development is important given that they are examples of customary and written norms that vary in different ways in urban planning legislation, regulate land relations, planning and building up areas. Urban planning legislation, its main disadvantage is the unregulated areas of influence at the state, regional and local levels. Actually the lack of legislative provision in the field of urban planning, makes the adoption of a major array of decisions at the local level.It was established that legal regulation applies to all social relations, including the sphere of city-planning legislation, but at the same time law is not able to subordinate certain types of social relations of people to its requirements, whereas morality, provides an individual approach to each legal norm. Determining the influence of moral norms on urban planning is conditioned by the fact that the urban area is primarily related to land use, and the land is the main blessing and property of man, especially Ukrainian.Non-material factors such as law and morality are key in the process of shaping city-building legislation in the 21st century, and their inclusion in urban planning activities will allow for the formation of a harmonious urban environment that will take into account not only the practical needs of man but also the spiritual, ecological, etc.

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