
The relevance of the article is due to the need to form a moral culture among cadets and students of universi-ties of the penal enforcement system of the Russian Federation, which in turn is determined by numerous nor-mative acts. According to the authors, the formation of moral culture among cadets of departmental universities is fully actualized through additional educational work at the university. The conducted research (the initial stage of the experiment) among cadets of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia and stu-dents of the Institute of State and Municipal Employees of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia revealed insufficient formation of cadets’ ideas about the moral culture of personality, knowledge of etiquette norms and rules of behavior in various life situations acceptable in modern Russian society. As part of the educational work at the university, the authors created a club Territory of Politeness, the aim of which was to form the students motivation for informed moral behavior based on knowledge of the norms of morality and etiquette. The article outlines the goals and objectives of the club, as well as lists the events held. By analyzing the results of the experimental work carried out, the authors prove the effectiveness of the activities carried out with the cadets within the framework of the work of the Territory of Politeness club.

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