
본 시험의 목적은 옥수수 사일리지의 소화율 및 에너지가치를 신속하고 정확하게 평가하는 방법으로서 근적외선분광법(NIRS)의 이용성을 확대하고 동시에 더욱 정확한 검량식을 유도하기 위하여 수행되었다. 112점의 옥수수 사일리지 시료를 이용하여 근적외선분광기를 이용하여 스펙트럼을 수집하였다. 검량기법은 변형부분 최소자승회귀법(MPLS), 산란보정법은 SNV-D 또한 1,4,4,1 수처리 방법을 이용하여 검량식을 작성하였다. 옥수수 사일리지의 소화율 측정방법에 따른 근적외선분광법의 예측 능력은 IVDMD, IVTD 및 CDMD 함량에서 각각 <TEX>$SEP=1.57% (R^2v=0.70),\;SEP=1.13%(R^2v=0.73)$</TEX> 및 <TEX>$SECV=1.74%\;(R^2v=0.77)$</TEX>로 나타났으며 에너지 가치를 예측하기 위한 검량식 작성 및 검증 결과는 TDN, NEL 및 ME 함량에서 각각 SECV=0.69% <TEX>$(R^2v=0.85)$</TEX>, SECV=0.02% (R2v=0.88) 및 SECV=0.02% <TEX>$(R^2v=0.88)$</TEX>로 비교적 양호한 결과를 나타냈다. This study was carried out to explore the accuracy of Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) fer the prediction of digestibility and energy value of corn silages. The spectral data were regressed against a range of digestibility and energy parameters using modified partial least squares(MPLS) multivariate analysis in conjunction with first and second order derivatization, with scatter correction procedure(SNV-Detrend) to reduce the effect of extraneous noise. Calibration models for NIRS measurements gave multivariate correlation coefficients of determination<TEX>$(R^2)$</TEX> and standard errors of cross validation of 0.92(SECV 1.73), 0.91(SECV 1.13) and 0.93(SECV 1.74) for in vitro dry matter digestibility(IVDMD), in vitro true digestibility(IVTD), and cellulase dry matter digestibility(CDMD), respectively. The standard error of prediction(SEP) and the multiple correlation coefficient of validation<TEX>$(R^2v)$</TEX> on the validation set(n=39) was used in comparing the prediction accuracy. The SEP value was 0.30(TDN), 0.01(NEL), and 0.01(ME). The relative ability of NIRS to predict digestibility and energy value was very good for CDMD, total digestible nutrients(TDN), net energy fer lactation(NEL) and metabolizable energy(ME). This paper shows the potential of NIRS to predict the digestibility and energy value of con silage as a routine method in feeding programmes and for giving advice to farmers.

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