
Introduction. Modern professional real estate activity changes to meet time requirements. This activity is treated broadly, as subsystem that operates at the intersection of many professions that’s why its universal, so available, mass etc. Brokering activities is the main subject in the real estate market. This profession has common characteristics with the work of a stockbrocker (intermediary between company and shareholders), broker (professional mediator), real estate manager, engineer etc. The process of acquiring a specialty, entering to the world of professional real estate workers depends on the state of psychological preparedness for this activity.Purpose. Reveal the features of the program’s content, designed to create psychological preparedness for real estate activity. Methods. The theoretical methods were used to develop the programme – analysis synthesis, generalization, classification, categorization, methods of systemic, comparative and structural-functional analysis.Originality. Subject-action, personality-activity and competence approaches are used in the work on formation of psychological readiness for real estate activity, which allow to construct a dynamic educational environment taking into account the specifics of personality, socio-cultural educational environment and features of professional real estate activity.The system of formative influences consists of three directions: activation, actualization and amplification. As a result of activation of the cognitive component of psychological readiness, subject-professional training is carried out, ie professional education, which contributes to a better understanding of the content of real estate work and self-awareness in this activity of the individual. As a result of actualization professional consultation, practical performance of component types of works of the realtor are carried out; professional and personal goals are realized, a professional plan is drawn up. As a result of amplification, the process of orientation in the content of the activity performed by the realtor is specified, the specialization of professional activity is specified. The result of the implementation of the system of formative influences is the formation of components of psychological readiness for the work of a realtor in the specialty, namely: subject, personal, communication. They, in turn, form the basis for the formation of subject-professional orientation in real estate activities and professional success, which in turn are the basis for the formation of a system of established qualities, ie system of competencies (general; professional; professional competencies defined by the corporation; professional competencies appropriate to specialization).Conclusion. Professionally significant personality traits are seen as defining for real estate worker productivity. They consist of a group of narrower qualifications. Core professional competencies determine the professional mobility of the realtor of any level of development. In forming programme an attempt has been made to take into account content, structure, patterns and features of the real estate agent’s professional activities, which determine his or her professional success and development of universal competencies to enable the correct implementation of it’s various types.

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