
The problem of health maintenance of the young and growing generation is one of the global problems of modern society. This problem is relevant for both preschool and school education, as well as for the student environment, because the negative ecological condition of the environment, incomplete performance of the health care system, and the low living standarts in the families lead to health problems of children from the moment of birth.By the end of the 2000, Ukraine has passed the stage of an industrial society and is entering a post-industrial, information society, where the human factor comes first. At the same time, the modern educational level, working conditions and the increasing intensity of mental activity require from the specialist not only the appropriate qualification, but also a high educational and cultural level. Problems of realization and creation of eco-oriented educational environment in educational institution are investigated only partially. It is no doubt that the role of higher education as a social institute, which forms not only a competent specialist, but also a self-sufficient, healthy personality with such qualities and personality traits as socio-ecological activity, orientation to an environmentally oriented lifestyle.This article describes the ways to resolve such problem as realization and creation of ecologically oriented educational environment in higher education institutions. The peculiarities of our organization and creation of ecologically oriented educational environment in the university imply the necessity of development and realization of structural and functional model of organization of ecologically oriented educational environment in higher education. Creation of a modern educational environment with elements of environmental orientation in the Higher education Instititions; increasing the competitiveness of education; designing Higher education Instititions as place centers for creating an eco-oriented innovative educational environment.

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