
The article provides an applied analysis of Ukraine's public debt, in particular in the context of the feasibility of optimizing its structure. The comparison of internal and external borrowings is made, the main shortcomings and advantages of each of these ways of mobilization of financial resources are revealed. Given the hypothesis of the need to increase domestic public debt compared to external, special attention is paid to the study of the main financial instrument through which the state raises funds in the domestic market - domestic government bonds of Ukraine. The dynamics of data volumes of debt securities with an emphasis on crisis periods in both the world and domestic economies was also studied. In addition, the structure of domestic government bonds of Ukraine in circulation was considered on the basis of the owner. This made it possible to identify the main players in the domestic government bond market, as well as the motives that motivate them to increase their own portfolio of domestic government bonds of Ukraine. In order to determine the prospects for increasing the volume of output of these instruments of the Ukrainian stock market, their comparative analysis with alternative types of investments. Particular attention in this aspect is paid to the comparison of IGLBs with deposits, which today are considered the simplest, clearest and most proven way to invest money for individuals. An important role in this study is given to the analysis of key problems of the domestic government bond market, which have haunted the domestic economy since the independence of Ukraine. The main successes achieved in recent years by the Public Debt Management Office of Ukraine with the support of representatives of international financial organizations in terms of optimizing the domestic securities market are presented. The main steps that need to be taken for further real transformation of the debt securities market in Ukraine and which in the long run will reduce Ukraine's financial dependence on external creditors, in particular their requirements in the political and economic arena, are also outlined.

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