
The article deals with the general analysis of philosophical and pedagogical origins of modern ideas of health creation in pedagogical theory and practice. The actuality of problem of health saving and strengthening of student youth is established. It is summarized, that raised attention to the health saving aspect of professional training of future specialists can be explained by two circumstances: the most important resource of development in post-industrial conditions are human abilities, realization of which in social practice is provided by the somatic, mental and moral health of the individual. Secondly, the importance of noted aspect is due to the fact that fundamental training of individual to the systemic, strategic saving and strengthening of health gives a possibility for future specialists use opportunities, which are offered by post-industrial modernization with the interests of their own development. It is determined, that the health saving idea is not exclusively a product of modern pedagogical consciousness. Its origins date back to the early stages civilization development. The health saving ideas, which are typical for Western and Eastern civilizations are considered. It is established, that to the Western civilization inherent ways of health strengthening, which are connected with physical activity. It is summarized, that unlike to the described health-improving measures, those, which were used on the East, pursued another purpose – to improve the general state of organism, to bring it into harmony with the environment. The theoretical analysis of references on the interpretation of health saving in famous philosophers’ works is implemented. It is summarized, that the history of emergence of the doctrine about health goes beyond the boundaries of medicine, concretize not only medical, but also pedagogical data and general human, philosophical thought. It is generalized, that a considerable step in understanding the idea of health creation had been made in Ancient Greece and Rome. The antique imagination about health saving training of personality was based on the awareness of necessity to achieve optimum in the ratio of physical and spiritual nature of human. Such vision of the problem of health saving and strengthening reflects a coherent unity of a human as a subject of individual health creation.

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