
The article is devoted to the very important problem of cultural transformation of identity levels in the modern socio-cultural space. As a result of globalization processes, the traditional forms of identity are being blurred both the individual and collective levels. We can see the formation of multiple, transcultural identity, which requiring the ability to freely maneuver among different cultural traditions. The coexistence of traditional and post-industrial worldview violates the usual forms of ethno-cultural identity, casting doubt on the confidence in one's own security. Active international contacts make isolation policy impossible, however, different levels of social and economic development, different worldviews do not contribute to the creation of the union transcultural space where the global tendencies of social development and local features of the cultural dynamics should coexist peacefully. The formation of such a space is a long process based on the overcoming of national (ethnic) identities and proposing a new way of multiple identity - at the exit from one's culture and a crossroads with strangers, which manifest themselves in the most diverse forms caused by a civilizational stage of their evolution . The article explores two opposing approaches: the preservation of traditionality outside the innovation space and the breaking of all traditional foundations. In the heterotopic space of modern society, the first approach is predominant for a number of reasons. The aspiration to preserve traditional culture contributes to the preservation of a traditional identity that does not correspond to the development of a postindustrial society. However, the heterotopic space of the frontier breaks the established stereotypes and constructs a new transcultural space that requires theoretical comprehension.

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