
Abstract. The article is dedicated to the analysis of the modern Slovak-Ukrainian literary translations. Particularly, the attention is focused on the poetic translations, the difficulty of which conditioned by specific poetic language, rhythm, rhyme etc. Slovak-Ukrainian literary relations in the field of poetic translation have its own achievements and problems, and it’s also analyzed in this paper. The purpose of research is to analyse the modern Slovak-Ukrainian poetic translations (the turning age XX – XXI cent.) Results of research. The relevance of the selected inquiry is in the need for urgent understanding of the poetic translations as an important part of Slovak-Ukrainian literary dialogue. The purpose of this article is to research the modern Ukrainian-Slovak poetic translations (XX – XXI sent.). The scientific works of such scholars as M. Mushinka, Y. Bacha, M. Roman, M. Molnar, L. Babota, M. Nevrly, O. Myschanych, A. Cherveniak, F. Kovach, O. Zilynsky, V. Zhidlicky are dedicated to the subject of Slovak-Ukrainian literary relations. Also the works of T. Lihtei, Y. Dzhoganyk, Y. Kundrat, I. Galaida are devoted to the deep analysis of Slovak-Ukrainian literary translations. The incredible propinquity of both languages gives the first conception of easy translation, but researching of languages’ profundity and semantic variety open to us many shades. The poetic translation is the hardest work from the other translations particularly in the case of the rhyme verse. Slovak-Ukrainian poetic translations have a long tradition. The prolonged history of mutual translations continues in the turning age (XX – XXI sent.). The study used mainly comparative method, also typological and historical methods. The detail review of new names presented in this paper, the attention are focused on the anthologies of poetic translations composed by Ukrainian (Dmytro Pavlychko, Illia Galaida etc.) and Slovak translators (Yurai Andrichik). The problems which hinder for active translations are also analyzed in this article. The main result of the investigation is the deep analysis of Slovak-Ukrainian and Ukrainian-Slovak poetic translations. The presentation of little known Slovak and Ukrainian poetic translators, as P. Orieshek, S, Gal, V. Yurichkova, M. Niahai, I. Galaida, M. Bobak etc. is also the result of this study. Promising for future research are the analysis of new Slovak and Ukrainian poetic translations of postmodernist poets, and also the analysis of the modern prose and dramatic translations.

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