
The paper briefly examines the history of the introduction into scientific use of the concept of “mentality”. In the aspect of the personalistic philosophical approach, the author analyzes the reasons for the difficulties arising in its definition. It is argued that the phenomenon of mentality is subjective and objective in nature, therefore, its certain reification in socio-philosophical discourse is inevitable. However, the excessive emphasis of the researcher on the a priori personality of the qualities of one or another ethnic mentality should not be considered correct. Closer to the truth will be the understanding of mentality as an a posteriori and relative totality of personality traits acquired under the influence of a particular social environment. The conclusion is made that the social environment is the most important factor in the formation of ethnic mentality. Under its direct influence, the processes of socialization of individuals take place, the experience of generations is transmitted and improved. However, one should also take into account the reverse influence of the formed ethnic mentality on the social environment. The social environment and ethnic mentality mutually condition each other, and the person, logically and historically, acts as an active constructive principle, whose creative work is possible only in conditions of social life.

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