
With a focus on GHQ/SCAP, GS documents, the objective of this study was to clarify the basic facts of the purge to which Mitsuhashi Kikuo was subjected. The findings are as follows: 1. Circumstances in the lead-up to Mitsuhashi undergoing review for public office qualification and the outcome of the review were clarified. 1) After Japan's defeat in the Asia-Pacific War, Mitsuhashi made every effort to restart the field of sports and physical education. He also attempted to run for office in the first upper-house elections (March 10, 1947). He underwent a review by the Central Public Office Qualifications Examination Committee in an effort to qualify as a candidate. His intended “public office” was that of a Diet member. 2) The review concluded that Mitsuhashi should be subject to a purge under SCAPIN 550, as he had held the post of Director of the Great Japan Industrial Patriotic Association before the war. Although the Committee had initially declared him “passed” (March 17), GHQ did not recognize the Japanese decision and decided to subject Mitsuhashi to a purge under SCAPIN 550 (March 31). The apparent reason was that GHQ emphasized the formal criteria, and thus declared him a Memorandum Case. 2. The lead-up to Mitsuhashi's appeal for re-review and its outcome was also clarified, in addition to his arguments during the appeal process. 1) Working within the system, Mitsuhashi petitioned the Public Service Qualifications Appeal Board for a re-review (April 14). In the re-review process, he submitted 5 memoranda testifying that he had not been influential as a director. In addition, he also testified orally twice before the Board. 2) He argued that his role was unpaid and merely titular, and that he had not attended meetings or made any positive contributions. He added that his appointment had been a mere formality; he had not intended to utilize the organization, and his contribution merely involved gymnastic instruction. Furthermore, he claimed that he was a liberal who had consistently criticized prewar physical education policy as militaristic, and who had studied sports instruction abroad. 3) After the re-review, Mitsuhashi was delisted as a subject of the purge under SCAPIN 550 (Dec.22). However, GHQ only accepted this decision about 5 months later following appeals from the Japanese government (May 22, 1948). Though Mitsuhashi's arguments were accepted by the entire Japanese membership of the Committee, it took more than 13 months for GHQ to acknowledge the decision.

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