
The article highlights the categorical and conceptual field of the conceptual construction "innovative technologies in the field of physical education and sports", which is the basis for its construction; the characteristics of such concepts as: "technology", "innovation", "innovative activity in the field of education", "educational technology", "innovative educational program", "innovative educational project", "innovative educational product", "innovation cycle", "innovative technologies", "innovative technologies in the field of physical education and sports"; their interrelation and importance for education in general and specialists in the field of physical education, in particular, are presented.
 The analysis, synthesis and generalization of concepts and conceptual constructions of scientific and scientific-methodical literature, state nomenclature documents, as well as such research methods as: comparison, analysis of own long-term pedagogical experience in checking, reviewing qualification works of higher education applicants, including mastering and expert examination of dissertations, it was found that most higher education applicants do not pay due attention to the acquisition of special terminology during their studies in higher education, do not refer to the legislative and regulatory framework. At the same time, special terminology is always related to the content of a particular science, theory and practice of a particular field.
 It is noted that special terminology, including terminology in the field of physical education and sports, is an urgent necessity, the basis of professional communication, which requires in-depth knowledge, continuous development and improvement from specialists.
 It is emphasized that a clear understanding and correct use of the concepts and conceptual constructions mentioned in the article will allow specialists in the field of physical education and sports to correctly direct their efforts towards the development and implementation of innovative technologies in the theory and practice of physical education and sports, as well as contribute to improving the quality of their research work.

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