
The number of elderly patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) has increased significantly in the recent decades. It was proved that one of the factors determining the survival and quality of life of geriatric patients with CKD is the nutritional status of patients. Protein-energy deficiency is widespread among elderly patients at the pre-dialysis stages of CKD, while no study of the nutritional status of this population of patients was conducted in Russia. The purpose was to study the prevalence of nutritional disorders in geriatric patients with CKD stage 3B–5. As a result of a survey of 190 patients aged 60 to 90 y. o. with CKD stages 3B–5 (GFR according to CKD-EPI <= 45 ml/min/1,73 m2), we found that this patient population is dominated by mild and moderate eating disorders — their prevalence was 53.5%. Symptoms of protein-energy deficiency were observed in 16.4% of patients. No significant differences were found between the indicators of nutritional status and the CKD stage. The nutritional status indicators correlated with the severity of anemia and hypoproteinemia.

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