
The article presents some basic information about the development of city musical culture in the Orenburg gubernia and in Ufa during the pre-revolutionary period. The regularity of the formation of the phenomenon of the city cultural milieu is traced by the examples of such components as concert and theatre practice, in the context of which the foundations of compositional and performance professionalism indispensable for the development of European genres were perfected. As the result of an overview of various forms of musicmaking at home and the concert and theater practice, the foundations of which had been installed by the direct bearers of European culture itself — Polish insurgents banished to the gubernia in the 18th century — the fact is substantiated that the Russian-European academic musical tradition conditioned the environment due to which national concert life was established in the early 20th century. It is proven that the Europeanization in Bashkir culture began not during the period of the Soviet cultural development, but on the wave of Jadidism in the activities of the new-method madrassahs, which in the beginning of the previous century became the main centers for sacred and secular culture. At the same time, the emergence of combined Tatar-Bashkir dramatic theatrical troupes conducive towards the onset of national theatrical music is the greatest accomplishment of Bashkir music in the prerevolutionary period, which connected the pre-revolutionary epoch with the period of formation of national compositional schools.

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