
As a result of surveys of wheat crops in the Moscow region in 2009-2017 there were collected 27 wheat samples leaf rust infected. Isolates from single pustule were studied by the standard method. To study the frame of leaf rust population there was used a set of 42 Lr-lines monogenic of cv. Thatcher. For the period from 2009 to 2017 there were studied for virulence 120 isolates of P. triticina. Isolates differed significantly in virulence. By virulence formulas all leaf rust isolates were attributed to 103 phenotypes, differing by one or two or several genes. During all the years of testing the population of P. triticina was showed high virulence affecting from 30 to 34 Lr-lines of wheat. Annually in the population of P. triticina there were found out 18 virulence genes with a high frequency (average 78.0-98.9%): p1, p2c, p3a, p3b, p3ka, p10, p14a, p14b, p17, p18, p21, p27 + p31, p30, p32, p33, p39, p40, pB, and 7 genes were never met: p24, p29, p41, p42, p47, p51, p53. The genes p2a, p2b, p11, p15, p20, p23, p25, p26, p46 were constantly detected in the fungus population, but their frequency varied greatly over the years (on average, from 34.5 to 72.0%). As for the genes p9, p16, p19, p28, p36, p38, p44, p45, they there were not found every year in the population of P. triticina. Depending on the stability of the isogenic Lr-line of wheat, the type reactions to disease development were differed: from high susceptibility to immunity. By the number of virulent isolates of the fungus to wheat Lr-lines there were determined the degree of effectiveness of resistance genes. Lr-genes so as Lr24, Lr29, Lr41, Lr42, Lr47, Lr51, Lr53 were effective to leaf rust. They can be recommended for breeders as donors of resistance to leaf rust.

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